The Perfect Cloud-Based Repository
for Magazines, Ebooks, Whitepapers, Catalogs, and Reports
- Provide secure access - (https://) to your customers, prospects, and
- Customizable look and feel - match your brand colors and add your logo
- Responsive UI - for all devices
- Great user experience - easy to organize, navigate and search
Example Use Cases
Sales & Marketing - A leading manufacturer manages all catalogs, product
sheets, presentations and collateral in a single digital library.
Control Access, Capture Leads, Manage Lists & more...
features to help you manage your content, users, and process
- Control Access - e.g., Open for all, Registration required, by Invitation
- Capture Leads - from registration forms
- Manage Lists - e.g., registered users, customers, partners
- Collaborate & Share - back-end permissions levels include manage, edit,
Example Use Cases
Quarterly Management Reports - Client uses the Invite only approach
for distribution of management summary to selected executives globally.
Reporting & Analytics You Can Use
- User Level Analytics - showing visits, page views, clicks, downloads,
and request-for-information
- Publication Level Analytics - showing which users have accessed and
how they have engaged
- Registration - (Lead) Reports
- RFQ Reports - for catalogs and services offering publications
Example Use Cases
Catalog Marketing - A major enterprise software company uses the digital
library analytics to track catalog-downloads, request-for-information and request
for quotes.
Integrate With Your Business Applications
for Internal Users, Customers and Prospects
- Integrate with your PDF - repository and automate your publishing workflow
- Integrate in minutes - with Google Analytics, HubSpot, Act-On,,
MailChimp and more.
- Custom integrations - available with ERP, and CRM systems such as Oracle,
- Deploy Chatbots - from leading providers
Example Use Cases
CRM Integration - Capture and post events such as new registrations,
request for quotes, downloads directly to, Act-On, Eloqua, HubSpot
and popular business applications.