A few tips to create compelling content

by Admin

‘Content is king’, it has been repeated so many times on the internet that it has now become a cliché.
Creating content is not a big thing; the big thing is to create compelling or engaging content that can pique the interest of your readers and customers.

Create Content

Without a doubt, consider yourself successful as a content creator if you can increase your sales, traffic, clicks, and conversions with the help of your content.

Below are a few tips to create compelling content:

1. Use simple language

When you produce content for your readers, you want them t


o be able to grasp what you are saying without needing to read through a bunch of text or numbers. It should be easy enough that they can read it and understand the message without having to do any extra research.
Additionally, the tone of your content should be informal, nevertheless, also professional. This will assist you to connect with your audience and make them feel like they could trust you as an authority figure.

2. Add visuals

Visuals can assist readers to grasping key points easier than just text alone, so if feasible try adding visuals whenever possible as well as images and videos so as to add depth or context which might not be easily understood just from reading text alone.

You can use videos such as how-to videos, interviews, product demos, and more. Videos typically have a high user engagement rate.

3. Create a call to action (CTA)


If you wish people to click through an article, include a CTA that encourages them to take action after going through the article. A fine example of this is with display ads where there is a CTA button that leads users directly to a web store where they can buy the product being advertised. This kind of call to action can also be utilized for blog posts and other pages that tell users about upcoming events and other promotions in which they might be interested in participating.

4. Make your content easily sharable

If you wish people to share your content, make certain they can do so easily. Integrate a share button or link at the top of your blog posts and pages, or even just in the sidebar. This would allow readers to effortlessly share their favorite articles with friends and acquaintances on social media, without needing to leave the page.

Remember, if the content is not simple to share, then it will not be shared and it will go unnoticed.

5. Be honest, direct & genuine in your writing style


Communicate what you know about your subject/topic, however, keep away from being too salesy or pushy with your words; this would disinterest readers who have already made up their minds regarding what they want from reading your content (and in the worst case scenario, they might even close the tab on their browser!).

Bonus tip: Create a digital flipbook

If you can present your content in a digital flipbook, half the battle is already won. The interface of a digital flipbook is quite engaging and immersive. Readers get the feeling of reading a real paper book when they flip the pages of a digital flipbook. Additionally, you can add multimedia visuals to your flipbook easily and do a lot more.

If you want to create your first digital flipbook, you can try PageTurnPro. PageTurnPro now offers a 15-day free trial!